Saturday, November 2, 2019

An answer to prayers! A request for help!

I know that since I have moved back to the Houston area, I have had many people praying with and for me to find a doctor nearby who can treat my medical disorder without me having to travel back to Georgia or Wisconsin. It took until I nearly ran out of medication, but I finally found one, and it is the best doctor I could have found. He's knowledgeable about my particular disorder, and is capable of writing prescriptions for my medications... and he can even replace my neurostimulator when the time comes for that.

Thank you if you were among those who were praying for me. I do believe that this worked out as a result of those spiritual pleas.

I am also posting to my blog to ask for your help. 

I have been "overcoming relentless agony" since January of 2004. Details of my health saga are posted on the web site and I loosely maintain this blog on both FaceBook and here. My condition, officially designated as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Type II), is the most painful condition known to medical science, and afflicts thousands of individuals, but--especially in today's era of the so-called "opioid epidemic," those with CRPS can go for months or years without even a proper diagnosis, let alone an effective treatment.

November is the official month selected to increase awareness for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and push to raise money for a cure. I am reaching out to you know to ask for your support to help in one or more ways:
  1. Join the "Relentless Agony" team of individuals participating in an official 5K Run/Walk/Roll event at a time of your own choosing during the month of November. Registration information can be found at this web site.
  2. Sponsor me as a participant in this 5K event. I am signing up at the $50 level and would appreciate it if you could help me offset the cost with a donation of either $5 or $10. Any money given to me that exceeds the registration cost will be compiled with money given to my other family members and then donated to RSDSA who will use that money to provide financial assistance, conferences, grants, support programs and much more to individuals afflicted with CRPS across the United States. If interested, donations can be made through my GoFundMe site, or directly to us by using PayPalVenmo, or Zelle (using or 414-949-PAIN). You can also send a paper check through the USPS mail service if you wish; just contact me for our address.
  3. Donate money directly to support me and my personal medical expenses. My ongoing treatment--needed not only to help ease my pain, but to allow me to continue working as a full-time, high school science teacher--requires our family to spend an average of approximately $350/month on doctor's visits, medication, and medical procedures. Donations can be made on a regular basis or a one-time submission. Just use one of the methods mentioned above in option #2 or reply back to me if you just wish to send a check through the mail.
  4. Wear something (or deck yourself out in) ORANGE on Monday, November 4th which is the official "Color the World Orange" Day to help kick off the month of increasing CRPS awareness. Of course, you do not have to limit yourself to helping only on that day or only this month either, but please help, even if only to tell one other person about CRPS who did not already know about it.
Thank you for your friendship, prayers, and/or support, both in the past as well as any you give in the future. It really does make a big difference to me, my family, and my students.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Update on the OSKA Pulse device!

UPDATE: Recently, I tried using a new medical device, called the OSKA Pulse, that has been tried by many who share my condition, or something very similar to it. Although not everyone has experienced the same degree of success, there are many individual testimonials to the effectiveness of the device to relieve pain. While few experience total pain relief, several report the severity of their pain decreasing to a "2" or "3" on a 10-point scale, where "zero" means "no pain at all," and a "10" is "the worst pain imaginable" where speaking or even breathing can be difficult.

Once again, I was blessed to have a combination of former students, colleagues, and friends contribute money to cover the $400+ cost of the device. Unfortunately, the device did NOT have the effect for which I had hoped. Meanwhile, I am always listening and reading... hoping the "next big thing" might make the difference!

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!